Honors & Awards

New Kent County Republican Committee Named

2018 RPV Unit of the Year

At the RPV Advance in Norfolk, VA the New Kent County Republican Committee (NKCRC) was named Unit of the Year. Six units were nominated, three of which were from the 1st District. The RPV Executive Committee reviewed the nominations and voted for the best unit.

For the past four years the New Kent County Republican Committee (NKCRC) has grown from 20 to 200 members. The NKCRC’s continuous grassroots growth has led to more enthusiasm among Republicans in New Kent County, an increase in volunteers, a robust election day operation, and solid support for Republican candidates.

In 2018 the NKCRC distinguished itself with improved internal organization/management, a robust get out the vote initiative, and a highly organized ground game for the 2018 elections.

Pictured left to right: Bob Watson, 1st District Chairman; Tom Miller, NKCRC; Mark Daniel, Chairman NKCRC; Jerry Benson, NKCRC, and Jack Wilson, RPV Chairman

The Executive Committee was particularly impressed with the fact that the NKCRC established a new Young Republicans Club at New Kent County High School, which now has 60 members. With help from the NKCRC, 3 members attended the Turning Point Student Action Summit Dec 19-22 in West Palm Beach.

Congratulations to Chairman Daniel and the NKCRC for all of their hard work!

You can read more about activities in the NKCRC here on their website.


1st Congressional District Honors Mr. Bill Kling

On December 1, 2018 the 1st District Republican Committee passed a resolution honoring Mr. Bill Kling, who contributed a lifetime of service to the Republican Party through his volunteer leadership. Bill passed away in November, 2018.


Whereas the First Congressional District of Virginia has experienced the loss of a valued member, Bill Kling, this past November,

Whereas Bill Kling contributed a lifetime of service to the Republican Party through his volunteer leadership,

Whereas Bill served with integrity in the journalism field, serving at several newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, Prince William County newspapers and the Washington Times,

Whereas Bill was a visionary who understood the growth of Prince William County’s eastern area required the establishment of a new GOP unit representing solely Prince William County,

Whereas Bill served as Republican Party Chairman of the newly-created Prince William County Republican Committee,

Whereas Bill served as a mentor in developing new leadership, growing the party, and encouraged the creation of the Prince William Young Republicans Club,

Whereas Bill continued to advance Republican causes in the First District with his retirement to Northumberland,

Whereas Bill was a constant support to his beloved wife Jeannie Kling as she served as Northumberland unit chairman,

Whereas Bill served on the Northumberland planning commission and continued his contributions in local writing as well as his local church congregation,

Whereas Bill was known for his wit and wisdom communicating the principles of the Republican Party on a personal level and in the public arena,

RESOLVED, on December 1, 2018, that the First Congressional District Republican Committee:

  1. Recognizes the lifetime achievements of Bill Kling in the field of journalism and communications, and
  2. Expresses gratitude for the decades of volunteer leadership within the Republican Party, for winsomely and forcefully communicating the principles of the Republican Creed, and for strategically expanding the Republican Party in the First Congressional District of Virginia.


Congratulations to Chris Henderson, Chairman of the James City County Republican Committee (JCCRC), who was named 2017 Chairman of the Year by the RPV!

The JCCRC is split between the 1st and 2nd Districts; Chris was nominated by the Chairman of the 2nd Congressional District. The 2nd District Chairman noted that Chris became Chairman of the JCCRC last year and immediately began an aggressive fundraising campaign. In 10 months he raised $18,000. He also was instrumental in converting a bank into a Victory Center for the 2016 election just outside Williamsburg, which served as a focal point for campaign activity throughout the area. His leadership has increased attendance at unit meetings by at least 20%, and he has significantly improved the unit’s cohesion and focus since becoming Chairman. Congratulations, Chris!

You can check out the latest activities at the JCCRC here.