The Fauquier County Republican Committee is reviving its annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner fundraiser. This year it will be held on September 10th. The gala was canceled in 2020 due to COVID.
Chairman Greg Schumacher said, “The Lincoln-Reagan Dinner is our primary fund-raising opportunity for the upcoming year to enable us to execute our primary mission – advancing the principles expressed by our Virginia Republican Creed; to elect and keep in office Republicans who support those principles; and to educate and persuade our fellow Americans about the benefits those principles bring to Virginia, to America, and to our individual lives and families. Plus, it will be a great time together to reflect on the 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 attack, to remember the fallen and those who serve us in public safety and the military, and enjoy inspiring speakers, great local farm to table food, and camaraderie (and even some bourbon and a cigar for those so inclined).”
For more information and tickets, visit the Fauquier GOP website,