Fauquier County Meeting – Dec 1, 2020

The next meeting of the Fauquier County Republican Committee will be held on December 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

I, Greg Schumacher, Chairman, Fauquier County Republican Committee, hereby call a virtual Zoom meeting of the Committee on Tuesday, 1 December 2020, starting at 7:00 PM. We are going virtual to comply with the Governor’s limits on gatherings to 25.


FCRC General Meeting
Dec 1, 2020 07:00 PM

JOIN ONLINE: https://zoom.us/j/92327500940?pwd=dWM2VWhuL3EzUDljVVMvVHVSTy9TZz09

JOIN BY SMART-PHONE: +13126266799,,92327500940#,,,,,,0#,,2020#

JOIN BY PHONE (TOUCH): +1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 923 2750 0940
Passcode: 2020

SECURITY: Please remember to cover your microphone and/or mut you microphone before entering the meeting. You may also want to delete the zoom application from your desktop or smartphone after the meeting has completed.


-Call to Order
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Republican Creed
-Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
-Treasurer’s Report
-Chairman’s Remarks
-Reports from Committee Officers
-Constitutional Officers’ Reports
-Old Business (none)
-New Business
— Nominate and approve candidates to fill three voting member precinct vacancies in Kettle Run; two each in Airlie, Springs Valley, and Waterloo; and two at-large vacancies.
-Special presentations
— Rich Anderson, Chairman, RPV
-Candidates/candidate’s representatives
-Next Meeting Date: 5 January 2021