New Kent County Republican Committee Meeting – March 14, 2019

New Kent County Republican Committee (NKCRC)
Regular Committee Meeting
March 14, 2019 – 7pm
1.   Call to Order – Mark Daniel
2.   Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation and the RPV Creed
3.   Welcome Guests and Elected Officials
4.   Appointment of Proxy Committee
5.   Program – Questions you’ve always wanted to ask about The Constitution – Gary Porter Guest Speaker
6.   Reports
a.   Approval of Minutes from the February 5, 2019 Meeting
b.   Treasurer’s Report – Andrew Garcia
c.   Vice Chair’s Reports –JB Benson
d.   Proxy Committee Report
e.   Quorum Declaration – Tom Miller
7.   Old Business
8.   New Business
a.   Approval of the Call for NKCRC Mass Meeting to elect delegates to the 97thLegislative District Convention
b.   Election to fill vacancies on the NKCRC Executive Committee
                                         i.   Vice Chair for Fund Raising
                                        ii.   Recording Secretary
c.   Election of new members – JB Benson
9.   Adjournment