Congressman Wittman’s Letters to Pres. Biden on Baby Formula Shortage

Note from Congressman Wittman:

Parents across the country are in a frantic search to find baby formula as the shortage of formula has hit crisis levels with 40% out of stock resulting in many stores placing limits on how much formula customers can buy at one time. Unfortunately, these crisis level shortages have been bubbling up for months. Formula shortages were already at 23% out of stock in January and have only worsened over the past months. Yet, the Biden Administration and the FDA have not released a realistic plan to address the crisis.

Between skyrocketing inflation and energy costs and an ongoing supply chain crisis – this is just another example of how much American families are hurting right now. That’s why I joined my Republican colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf requesting answers on the cause of the baby formula shortage and next steps to increase baby formula supply.

The severe shortage of baby formula is an urgent problem that the Biden administration and the FDA have waited too long to address. More must be done to help American families. I look forward to both President Biden and Commissioner Califf’s response.

The text of the letters are here: