Statement from Rob Wittman on Senate Acquittal of Pres. Trump

“The Circus Has Left Town”

Friends –

Yesterday, the Senate voted to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment. Hopefully now, we will be able to move forward as a country and as elected leaders to accomplish real results for hardworking Americans.

Unhappy with the results of the 2016 election, Democrats have been working to build a case for impeachment against the president since he took office. This partisan impeachment process has finally come to an end, and it is clear – neither the Senate nor the American people believe there was adequate evidence to remove the president from office.

The American people are sick of the partisan stalemate in Washington. My hope is that we can now get back to the real issues – finding a bipartisan solution to lowering the price of prescription drugs, creating an infrastructure package, reforming our broken budget process, and expanding access to broadband in rural areas. I am dedicated to getting results for the First District and I look forward to working with the president to achieve lasting change.

