Wittman Re-Introduces “No Budget, No Pay” Resolution

Congressman Wittman sent the following note today to his constituents:


Believe it or not, the end of the Fiscal Year 2018 is just months away. While we have accomplished so much already, there is still much more to be done before the end of the year, including passing all of the annual funding bills for the Fiscal Year 2019.  I believe we should stay in Washington if we have not completed our work. In fact, as I have done for many years now, I again submitted a resolution that would require Members to stay in town until they have passed all twelve appropriations bills.

But as Congress continues working towards this deadline, did you know that the House of Representatives has passed over 648 bills during the 115th Congress?

The House’s work includes legislation which:

  • Delivers a fairer, simpler, pro-family tax code putting more money back in the hands of working-class families and small businesses.
  • Improves access to experimental treatments for patients with terminal conditions.
  • Empowers students, teachers, school officials, and law enforcement to identify and intervene before there’s violence in our schools.
  • Strengthens the U.S. military, modernizes equipment, and restores readiness.
  • Restores competition through association health plans for small businesses.
  • Helps combat human trafficking with tougher penalties for sex traffickers.
  • Demands accountability at the VA by making sure employees can be fired, demoted, or suspended for not doing their jobs.
  • Adds more resources to fight against the opioid epidemic.
  • Requires any major agency regulations be subject to an up or down vote of Congress.